1.800.836.2772 |

Pipeline Integrity

Launcher/Receiver Installation

Large Pipeline Owner  |  Northern Alberta  |  2016 - 2017

SCOPE OF WORK: Installation of 20” underground piping and launchers and receivers, including excavation, pipefitting, cutting, welding, building risers and supports, sandblasting/painting, and backfill.

CHALLENGES/UNIQUENESS: Meticulous excavation was required due to severe frost conditions experienced during this project and resulted in the large volume of gas flow in the line freezing the ground surrounding the pipe. The extreme winter conditions also affected the coating process as the pipeline had to be shut in to eliminate the frost build-up in order to allow for the completion of coating. Tie-ins on this project were very deep in areas and required trench boxes/shoring. A&B successfully navigated all challenges; all outages were met, and the tie-ins completed on schedule.


SUPPORTING DIVISIONS: Pipeline Construction, Facility Construction, Coating