SCOPE OF WORK: Installation of 4.5km of 36” steel and 2.5km of 24” steel to connect storage tanks, installation of 4.5km of 24” poly pipe for firewater system, construction of manholes and lift station for storm water management.
Coordination of a crew that included multiple contractors and trades, large excavations within the facility, executing scope in and around storage tanks, managing a large crew within proximity to urban center and rapidly evolving access conditions and resulting traffic coordination were all challenges that were overcome. Precise accuracy was paramount for the final installation, with the size of excavations requiring depth and width to accommodate 4 x 36” and 2 x 24” lines in congested conditions. Perseverance and determination demonstrated by the crew, support from all levels at A&B and teamwork resulted in a well-executed project.
SUPPORTING DIVISIONS: Facility Construction